Let Us Celebrate Religious Freedom Week
Religious freedom, guaranteed by the Constitution, it worth celebrating and protecting.

Religious Freedom Week affords us the opportunity to pray and reflect on the value of the right of religious freedom in our lives and to promote it in society. For us in the Diocese of Arlington, the timing is particularly meaningful as this week marks the feast day of St. Thomas More, the patron of our diocese, June 22. St. Thomas More, along with St. John Fisher, sacrificed his life because he refused to deny the truth of our Catholic faith.
An erosion to religious liberty can often begin when anti-religious sentiments grow in society. When we experience an increased hostility towards the practice of faith, it can raise concerns that the peaceful practice of our religion might be endangered. For example, in the past year in our diocese alone, three churches have been subjected to anti-Catholic vandalism — including one case of attempted arson. National news networks have reported similar occurrences throughout our country. Sadly, we have also seen that believers worldwide have suffered death merely for living their faith.
In a democratic society, these antagonistic sentiments, along with apathy towards them, can quickly lead to legislative and regulatory hindrances to worshiping, living out our faith in public, and serving the common good. Recent examples of this include government mandates that require most employers’ health plans to cover contraception, sterilization, and some abortion-causing drugs; and attempts to require health care workers to participate in abortions or gender-changing surgeries.
We call on our elected officials to stand up for religious freedom and to speak out. I ask the faithful and people of goodwill to join me and other bishops as we pray, reflect, and act to promote these sacred principles.
Religious freedom is a right and a precious gift to be treasured and protected by all, and it is my hope that we all celebrate it accordingly during Religious Freedom Week, and always.
Bishop Michael F. Burbridge presides over the Roman Catholic Diocese of Arlington VA.